
Bookkeeping: NonProfit Financial Statements

statement of activites

In addition, GAAP mandate the use of enterprise funds for the separately issued financial statement of public-entity risk pools. Public-entity risk pools also are accounted for as enterprise funds when they are included within a sponsoring government’s report, provided the sponsor is not the predominant participant in the arrangement. Finding an appropriate fund type requires a careful analysis since there is not always a clear choice. For example, building permit fees may be accounted for in the general fund or a special revenue fund in certain circumstances, such as when they are partially supported by taxes.

statement of activites

The first thing you’ll want to look at when reading a nonprofit statement of activities is the net income. This will give you an idea of whether or not the organization is bringing in more money than it’s spending. Added GASBS 86, Certain Debt Extinguishment Issues update regarding accounting and reporting when the debt is refunded with the government’s own resources.

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The Statement of Activities is a great way to see where changes can be made to increase revenue or decrease expenses. Improved management of resources can help your nonprofit organization to achieve its goals more efficiently and effectively. By understanding how to read and understand this key nonprofit financial report, you can better allocate your resources and improve your organization’s overall performance.

statement of activites

Nonprofits receive revenue from a number of different sources, all of which are essential to helping the organization pursue its mission. The majority of this revenue will be recorded as gross in your statement of activities. As you can see, the report is divided into the revenue and expenses along the vertical axis. Horizontally, the revenue and expenses are further categorized by restrictions placed on the funds.

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The cherry on top is that this report can help your organization file your annual Form 990 report. You’ll need to record information about your organization’s expenses and revenue in your Form 990. Therefore, between your statement of activities and statement of functional expense, you’ll be all set to file your Form 990 each and every year.

The reporting entity is the primary government (including its blended component units) and all discretely presented component units. The term proceeds of specific revenue sources establishes that one or more specific restricted or committed revenues should be foundation for a special revenue fund. They should be expected to continue to comprise a substantial portion of the inflows reported in the fund. While GASB Statement 54 has not provided a numeric range for substantial portion of inflows, it was recommended that at least 20 percent is a reasonable limit for reporting a special revenue fund. Local governments need to consider factors such as past resource history, future resource expectations and unusual current year inflows such as debt proceeds in their analysis.

Statement of Activities for a Nonprofit Organization

395.40 New code – Include insurance and other recoveries for damaged, destroyed, stolen, or lost governmental capital assets. If the recoveries meet the criteria of extraordinary items, they should be reported as such in the financial statements. Insurance recoveries that are related to storm cleanup and are realized, or are measurable and available, in the same year as the related cleanup expenditures should be netted against those expenditures. Insurance recoveries that are related to cleanup and are recognized in subsequent periods should be reported as other financing sources or extraordinary items, as appropriate. FEMA grants are not insurance recoveries and should be coded as direct/indirect federal grants. The government-wide statement of net position and statement of activities should be prepared using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting.

This template provides a clear and organized way to present financial information, including revenues, expenses, and net change in financial position, by class, location, and project. Restricted Revenue includes any donations which have donor-placed restrictions on how or when the money can be spent, while Unrestricted Revenue includes any money which can be used for any purpose. You may choose to break down your revenue into additional categories, such as Sources of Unrestricted Donations and Federated Campaigns. Analysts use the cash flows from financing section to determine how much money the company has paid out via dividends or share buybacks. It is also useful to help determine how a company raises cash for operational growth. While positive cash flows within this section can be considered good, investors would prefer companies that generate cash flow from business operations—not through investing and financing activities.


Since non-profit organizations don’t have “owners,” its balance sheet is referred to as a statement of financial position (SOP). Like a balance sheet, the SOP shows the organization’s assets and liabilities. The main difference is that in an SOP, what is left after you subtract the liabilities from the assets is called the net assets. Net assets represent the non-profit’s net worth and are divided into three categories – unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted. The Statement Of Cash Flows reports on all cash flowing into and out of the nonprofit organization. Specifically, the statement demonstrates the extent to which the organization’s programs and activities generate and use money.

  • Whether non-profit or for-profit, the impact of inaccurate or late financial information can have a devastating effect on the organization’s long-term financial health.
  • Improved financial management can help your nonprofit organization better plan for the future, and track its progress over time.
  • Expenses are reported in categories that identify specific functional areas, such as mission based programs, and support services including management and general and fundraising.
  • Something that is significant or material in the fund financial statements may not be significant or material in the government-wide statements.

Your nonprofit statement of activities is split into several different sections. Meanwhile, horizontally, it’s split into your organization’s unrestricted and restricted revenue. By analyzing your nonprofit’s statement of activities, your organization can determine if the expenditures currently allocated for each of your programs are sustainable for the long run. You can use the information in this statement to better understand if now is the right time to cut expenses, provide membership discounts, or secure additional funding through grants or sponsorships.

For all of these entities, the provisions the GASB Statement 14 should be applied in layers from the bottom up. At each layer, the definition and display provisions should be applied before the layer is included in the financial statements of the next level of the reporting government. Proprietary fund revenues should be reported by major sources, and expenses should be classified in essentially the same manner as those of similar business organizations, functions, or activities.

  • Interest expenses in the enterprise fund financial statements should be reported as direct expenses for those functions.
  • Operating revenues reported in the enterprise fund financial statement should be reported as charges for services of business-type activities.
  • Expenses might include salaries, office supplies, utilities, and other costs for each program.
  • Changes in cash from investing are usually considered cash-out items because cash is used to buy new equipment, buildings, or short-term assets such as marketable securities.
  • Companies are able to generate sufficient positive cash flow for operational growth.

Transfers should be reported in the accounting period in which the interfund receivable and payable arise. Encumbrances – Commitments related to unperformed (executory) contracts for goods or services should be utilized to the extent necessary to assure effective budgetary control and to facilitate cash planning. Encumbrances outstanding at year end represent the estimated amount of expenditures ultimately to result if unperformed contracts in process are completed; they do not constitute expenditures or liabilities. Your nonprofit Income Statement shows the year-over-year income and spending trends. You should look at your Statement of Activities every month and compare to previous periods.

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